Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Melissa (Sister-in-Law), Sandra (Mother-in-Law), me, and my Mom (Kay)

My wonderful Mom :)

Our beautiful host home --- look at those flowers!!!

Our custom-made bedding!!!!

Arthur Court and Crystal gifts...

Lamps and Decorative items....

Well, I am officially well-versed in Old-Mississippi wedding tradition! Chad and I are completely overwhelmed at what we were given this weekend. I mean, the pictures above were just a sampling of the things we were so generously given. This Georgia Girl was thrilled to death to receive such beautiful things. Where I'm from we get necessities - linens, flatware, china, towels, electrics, etc... In N. Mississippi you register at the little gift shops and get all the beautiful decorative pieces that you saw in the pictures above. We are still completely overcome. I can't wait to "get to where we're going" (as Chad's Grandma says) and set all of this up. A dream. Seriously.

As if that wasn't enough to fill our day, Chad was ordained into the ministry on Sunday night after the shower. It was such a special service. I'm so very proud of him. My Dad and his Dad were there at the ordination council and had the privilege of signing his certificate....what a treasure! So, that was our I'm onto the task of writing thank-you's for all of the lovely gifts we received....