I'm terrible at this! Just to update - if anyone is reading: I took a new job, teaching 3rd grade here in Jonesboro, AR. It's been an adjustment, but I LOVE my students. Taking a job during the middle of the school year is quite a challenge. I am so very thankful for my job, but coming in like this is hard! I am just now beginning to feel like my class is "my own". On a selfish note, I'm looking forward to starting all over - from scratch - next year and re-vamping my classroom! Spring Break is almost here and I'll be going to Atlanta and Chad will be going to Maui with ten college students. On a mission trip. Yes, I am jealous (but, I've been there before - ha!). Please pray for their safety and that God would change lives while they're there....in paradise!
It's hard to believe that this time, last year, we were going to our wedding showers and preparing for the BIG day! Our first year of marriage has been wonderful and definitely full of life changes! I am married to my best friend and love every minute of it. God is continually teaching us and changing us. This year (so far) has been full of ups and downs. Living 8 hours from my family has been more difficult than I thought. I am learning (and praying) to be content where I am NOW in life....praying that during this transition time, I will make the most and look back with no regret. Chad absolutely LOVES his job! I kid with him and tell him that I am jealous! He loves getting up and going to work. He loves the students and people that he works with day in and day out. If I do say so myself, he's amazing at what he does. Anyone who knows Chad, can say that he is very genuine, kind, and easy to get along with. These exact traits, matched with God's power, are what make him so effective in college ministry. He is working with and being mentored by one of the "greats" - Arliss Dickerson. We are thankful to be here during this season of our life. Can you tell that I'm just a little proud of my husband?!! He challenges me to love and live like he does - every day.
So, that's a little update on our life here in Jonesboro. We are anxiously awaiting Spring Break - and then...there's summertime! I'm really looking forward to regrouping, spending time with family, and gearing up for a full school year again. Hopefully, there will be more updates to come between now and summer!
Love to all,